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iSOS-webinaari: Tackling a Covid-19 Second Wave

9.9.2020 @ 12:00 - 13:00

FBTA members are welcome to join the International SOS webinar Tackling a COVID-19 Second Wave.

Should your organisation be testing employees? If someone tests positive, do they have immunity to the virus? What escalation triggers should your organisation consider in light of another lockdown?

The agenda includes:

– European situation update: where have we seen second peaks and what lockdown triggers should be considered
– Testing: testing post travel and pre return to the workplace
– COVID-19 Immunity: antibody tests, immunity passports and COVID-19 reinfection
– Masks within the workplace: How effective are masks and how does it compare to social distancing
– How should organisations plan to mitigate against risks of a second wave for their workforce

The webinar is free of charge. Find out more and register here

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12:00 - 13:00
Tapahtuma tagia:




International SOS