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BT4Europe & Co | The MDMS Regulation: Can it make travel easier and greener?

10.10.2023 @ 15:00 - 17:00

Join us on Tuesday 10 October for an event hosted by MEP Oetjan and Dalunde to discuss the MDMS Regulation and its potential to make travel easier and greener.

The event will showcase numerous stakeholders across the mobility ecosystem (such as consumers, intermediaries, business travellers and environmental experts) and policymakers supporting the MDMS Regulation.

Join us for discussions on how the MDMS Regulation can:

  • Give Convenience, choice and price transparency to consumers
  • Support the shift to more sustainable travel options and collective travel.
  • Ensure healthy competition and innovation between all transport operators, big or small.

Register now if you plan to be present at the MDMS Meeting in Brussels in person.

Registration link for attending virtually


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15:00 - 17:00
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European Parliament
Rue Wiertz 60
Bryssel, 1047 Belgia
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