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iSOS webinar: Keeping your people healthy and safe at events

7.2.2024 @ 16:00 - 17:00

In-person events provide organisations with valuable opportunities to connect with their employees and peers, build their brand, and learn from industry experts. But in an era where crises and global events have grown increasingly complex, how do you effectively safeguard your delegates, employees and your reputation?

Proactive planning, strategic decision-making, and robust leadership are essential elements to consider when planning and event, to successfully mitigate risks.

Join this live panel discussion, and gain invaluable advice from our health and security experts.

  • The health and security considerations required when preparing and hosting an event
  • The legislative environment (Duty to Protect) and the implications for organisations
  • Lessons learned from supporting both small- and large-scale events, including the FIFA Womens world cup.

Register here

This webinar is free of charge for FBTA members.

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16:00 - 17:00




International SOS