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GBTA-webinaari: Travel Risk Management

7.6.2017 @ 16:00 - 17:00

GBTA Europen Risk Committeen tuottamassa englanninkielisessä webinaarissa perehdytään matkustuksen riskinhallintaan. Webinaari on maksuton GBTA-jäsenille. Ei-jäsenille hinta on 89 €.

This webinar will explain why Travel Risk Management is not just a ”nice to have” but an essential part of any organisation’s Health, Safety and Security Programmes.  It will outline the civil and criminal liabilities which may follow from a failure to meet the organisation’s Duty of Care responsibilities to its staff.  And it will introduce the Risk Committee’s ”Five Pillars” – the essential building blocks of a Travel Risk Management programme.


At the end of the session, participants should be able to

  • Understand and communicate the need for a Travel Risk Management Programme
  • Understand the extent of an organisation’s Duty of Care to its travelling employees
  • Understand the basic elements of a TRM programme and where to find more information

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16:00 - 17:00


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