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GBTA-webinaari: Outlook for Global Business Travel 2022 – 2026

7.12.2022 @ 18:00 - 19:00

Global Business Travel Index (BTI)™:

For the past 14 years, the BTI has been a signature GBTA research study. It is a critical industry planning tool that provides an exhaustive study of business travel spending and growth covering 75 countries across 48 industries and provides a five-year forward looking forecast. It provides demand-side measurements of all types of business trips and all spending while on a trip. This includes everything spent on business travel including airfare, hotel, dining, car rental, train travel, incidental purchases made during the trip, taxi/ride sharing, etc. In addition, it is the industry benchmark for business travel spend and receives considerable media coverage.

In partnership with Mastercard, this session will examine key topics including: business travel trends between 2019 – 2022, insights into business travelers’ sentiment toward returning to travel, how sustainability and technology are changing business travel, and more. 


Lydie Charpin – Vice President of Corporate Travel and Spend Management, Mastercard

Jon Grey – Principal, Rockport Analytics

This GBTA webinar is free of charge for all FBTA members.

Register here

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18:00 - 19:00




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